How To Make a Tree Stump Planter

tree stump planter

In this video by Victoria Foxwood you’ll find detailed instructions for creating a wonderful in-place wooden planter for flowers or shrubs. It offers a way to transform a stump in your yard into the site for a vibrant new display of beautiful blossoms or shrubs. You won’t require extensive materials to accomplish this goal, simply a splitting axe and a wood chisel, a hammer, a battery-powered electric drill and a pair of gloves and safety glasses. Armed with these simple tools, you can follow five easy steps and achieve a gardening masterpiece.

Since many different types and sizes of tree stump planters exist, these settings permit considerable variation in design. To ensure the best environment for your new flowers, try whenever possible to match the plants you grow in these sites with the size of the natural container itself. For instance, a very thin tree stump would provide excellent shelter for several small flowers or a single plant, while a wider, massive tree stump might comfortably shelter larger shrubs or even a young tree.

Your creativity in accomplishing the refurbishment of an abandoned tree stump into a colorful planting spot remains limited only by your imagination. Some people will want to add additional features to the final results, such as carving the exterior of the stump itself or adding background exterior lighting. The project offers an opportunity to let your imagination soar as you carefully transform a decaying eyesore into a living work of art.

Once your flowers become established within the new tree stump planter, you’ll enjoy a truly magnificent garden display!

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